
In platanus/btree_set.h,

namespace platanus {
template <
    typename Key,
    typename Compare           = std::ranges::less,
    typename Alloc             = std::allocator<Key>,
    std::size_t MaxNumOfValues = 512>
class btree_set;

Template parameters

Parameter Meaning
Key Type of a key
Compare Type of a func obj comparing two key in a weak order. If Key doesn't implement three-way comparison operator, the default type does using < and =.
Alloc Type of an allocator. The default is std::allocator<Key>.
MaxNumOfValues The max number of values per node. The default is 64.

Member types

Type Meaning
key_type Type of key, i.e. Key
value_type Type of value, i.e. Key
key_compare Type of comparer of key, i.e. Compare
value_compare Type of comparer of value, i.e. Compare
allocator_type Type of allocator, i.e. Alloc
pointer Type of pointer to value, i.e. Key*
const_pointer Type of pointer to const value, i.e. const Key*
reference Type of reference to value, i.e. Key&
const_reference Type of reference to const value, i.e. const Key&
size_type Unsigned integer type of size of btree_set, i.e. std::size_t
difference_type Signed integer type of the difference of two iterators
iterator Type of iterator
const_iterator Type of const iterator
reverse_iterator Type of reverse iterator
const_reverse_iterator Type of const reverse iterator

Member function


// (1)
// (2)
btree_set(const btree_set&);
// (3)

// (4)
explicit btree_set(const key_compare& comp, const allocator_type& alloc = allocator_type());
// (5)
explicit btree_set(const allocator_type& alloc);

// (6)
template <class InputIterator>
    InputIterator         b,
    InputIterator         e,
    const key_compare&    comp  = key_compare(),
    const allocator_type& alloc = allocator_type()
// (7)
template <class InputIterator>
btree_set(InputIterator b, InputIterator e, const allocator_type& alloc);

// (8)
btree_set(const btree_set& x, const allocator_type& alloc);
// (9)
btree_set(btree_set&& x, const allocator_type& alloc);

// (10)
    std::initializer_list<value_type> init,
    const key_compare&                comp  = key_compare{},
    const allocator_type&             alloc = allocator_type{}
// (11)
btree_set(std::initializer_list<value_type> init, const allocator_type& alloc);

// (12)
btree_set& operator=(const btree_set& x);
// (13)
btree_set& operator=(btree_set&&) = default;
  1. Constructs an empty btree_set.
  2. Copy constructor. The allocator is copied by std::allocator_traits::select_on_container_copy_construction.
  3. Move constructor. The allocator is copied by operator=.
  4. Constructs an empty btree_set with comp and alloc.
  5. Constructs an empty btree_set with alloc.
  6. Constructs a btree_set with comp and alloc by inserting values from b to e (e isn't included).
  7. Constructs a btree_set with alloc by inserting values from b to e (e isn't included).
  8. Constructs a copy of x with alloc.
  9. Constructs a btree_set to which x is moved with alloc.
  10. Constructs a btree_set with comp and alloc from an initializer list.
  11. Constructs a btree_set with alloc from an initializer list.
  12. Assigns a copy of x and return *this. If x is *this, does nothing.
  13. Default move assignment operator.


// (1)
iterator               begin();
// (2)
const_iterator         begin() const;
// (3)
const_iterator         cbegin() const;

// (4)
iterator               end();
// (5)
const_iterator         end() const;
// (6)
const_iterator         cend() const;

// (7)
reverse_iterator       rbegin();
// (8)
const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const;
// (9)
const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const;

// (10)
reverse_iterator       rend();
// (11)
const_reverse_iterator rend() const;
// (12)
const_reverse_iterator crend() const;
  1. Return the iterator pointing to the first value of *this.
  2. The const version of 1.
  3. Return the const iterator pointing to the first value of *this.
  4. Return the iterator pointing to the next address of the last value of *this.
  5. The const version of 4.
  6. Return the const iterator pointing to the next address of the last value of *this.
  7. Return the reverse iterator pointing to the last value of *this.
  8. The const version of 7.
  9. Return the const reverse iterator pointing to the last value of *this.
  10. Return the reverse iterator pointing to the previous address of the first value of *this.
  11. The const version of 10.
  12. Return the const reverse iterator pointing to the previous address of the first value of *this.


// (1)
void clear();
// (2)
void swap(btree_set& x);
// (3)
void merge(btree_set& x);
// (4)
void merge(btree_set&& x);
  1. Clear *this, i.e., delete all values in *this.
  2. Swap *this for x.
  3. Merge another btree_set. The duplicated values will not be merged to *this.
  4. Same as 3. This function is provided to receive an rvalue btree_set, so no rvalue-specific optimization is done.


// (1)
std::pair<iterator, bool> insert(const value_type& x);
// (2)
std::pair<iterator, bool> insert(value_type&& x);

// (3)
iterator insert(iterator hint, const value_type& x);
// (4)
iterator insert(iterator hint, value_type&& x);

// (5)
template <typename InputIterator>
void insert(InputIterator b, InputIterator e);

// (6)
void insert(std::initializer_list<value_type> list);
  1. If there is x in *this, returns an iterator pointing to x in *this and false. Otherwise, inserts x and returns an iterator pointing to x in *this and true.
  2. The rvalue version of 1.
  3. Does 1 with hint. If the value is placed immediately before hint in the tree, the insertion will take amortized constant time. If not, the insertion will take amortized logarithmic time as if a call to insert(x) were made.
  4. The rvalue version of 3.
  5. Does 1 for each value from b to e (e isn't included).
  6. Does 1 for each value of list.


size_type erase(const key_type& key);
iterator  erase(const iterator& iter);
void      erase(const iterator& b, const iterator& e);
  1. Erases the specified key from *this and returns
  2. Erases the specified iterator from *this. The iterator must be valid (i.e. not equal to end()). Return an iterator pointing to the node after the one that was erased (or end() if none exists).
  3. Erases a range from b to e (e isn't included) and return the number of erased keys.


// (1)
iterator       lower_bound(const key_type& key);
// (2)
const_iterator lower_bound(const key_type& key) const;

// (3)
iterator       upper_bound(const key_type& key);
// (4)
const_iterator upper_bound(const key_type& key) const;

// (5)
std::pair<iterator, iterator> equal_range(const key_type& key);
// (6)
std::pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> equal_range(const key_type& key) const;

// (7)
iterator       find(const key_type& key);
// (8)
const_iterator find(const key_type& key) const;

// (9)
size_type      count(const key_type& key) const;

// (10)
bool           contains(const key_type& key) const;
  1. If *this is empty or key isn't found, returns end(). Otherwise, returns an iterator which points to the minimum value in all values which are not less than key.
  2. The const version of 1.
  3. If *this is empty or key isn't found, returns end(). Otherwise, returns an iterator which points to the minimum value in all values which are greater than key.
  4. The const version of 3.
  5. If *this is empty or key isn't found, returns end(). Otherwise, returns a pair of the iterators which point to the fist value in all values which are equal to key and the value next to the last value in them in order.
  6. The const version of 5.
  7. If *this is empty or key isn't found, returns end(). Otherwise, returns an iterator which points to the fist value in all values which are equal to key.
  8. The const version of 7.
  9. If *this is empty or key isn't found, returns 0. Otherwise, returns 1.
  10. If *this is empty or key isn't found, returns false. Otherwise, returns true.


// (1)
size_type size() const;
// (2)
size_type max_size() const;
// (3)
bool      empty() const;
  1. Returns the number of values.
  2. Returns the max number of values.
  3. Returns a bool whether *this is empty or not.


key_compare key_comp() const noexcept;

Returns the key_compare object used by *this.


[WARNING] The following functions may be suddenly deleted.

// (1)
size_type height() const;
// (2)
size_type internal_nodes() const;
// (3)
size_type leaf_nodes() const;
// (4)
size_type nodes() const;
// (5)
size_type bytes_used() const;
// (6)
double    average_bytes_per_value() const;
// (7)
double    fullness() const;
// (8)
double    overhead() const;
// (9)
void      dump(std::ostream& os) const;
// (10)
void      verify() const;
  1. Returns the hight of *this.
  2. Returns the number of internal nodes.
  3. Returns the number of leaf nodes.
  4. Returns the total of internal nodes and leaf nodes.
  5. Returns the total of bytes used by *this.
  6. Returns the average bytes per value.
  7. Returns the fullness of *this, which is computed as the number of elements in *this divided by the maximum number of elements a tree with the current number of nodes could hold. A value of 1 indicates perfect space utilization. Smaller values indicate space wastage.
  8. Returns the overhead of the btree structure in bytes per node, which is computed as the total number of bytes used by *this minus the number of bytes used for storing elements divided by the number of values.
  9. Dumps the btree to the specified ostream. Requires that operator<< is defined for value.
  10. Verifies the structure of *this.

Non-member function


template <typename K, typename C, typename A, std::size_t N>
void swap(btree_set<K, C, A, N>& x, btree_set<K, C, A, N>& y);

Swap x for y using std::swap to swap each member variable of x for that of y.